Student Unions

"Student Construction Brigade is an active type of training of viable professionals"

Training of viable professionals with high level of knowledge and skills plays an important role at the present stage of development of the Russian industry, small and medium-sized enterprises.

An active type of training of viable professionals in new socio-economic conditions is student construction brigades (SCB). It considers the field of training in the main subject area, and enhance professional skills or help to acquire new ones, SCB is a rational combination of work and material incentives.

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov  has longstanding experience in the organization of student construction brigades, which are supported by the Governor of the Belgorod Region E. S. Savchenko. The SCB initiative is the base for generalizing and developing best practices both in the Belgorod region and other regions of the Russian Federation.


SCB Functions

  • To organize and conduct professional and personal testing of SCB members to identify their leadership qualities and professionalism.
  • To develop modern schemes and technical means of training of SCB members.
  • To use modern remote technologies for operational control and monitoring of SCB members.
  • To develop and organize the activities of international student unions to enhance cooperation with foreign students.
  • To develop the basic organizational principles of interaction and the means for their implementation.
  • To draw up normative legal documents when making contracts with employers of different forms of ownership.
  • To assist temporary and permanent employment of students and graduates of educational institutions.
  • To involve young people in labor activity.
  • Patriotic education of youth.
  • To support and develop the traditions of the movement of student unions in cultural and socially desirable work among the population.

Student unions are created for the purpose of societal education and shaping of nationhood, as well as patriotism among young people. They intend to develop social and labor initiatives of students and to help to acquire professional and management skills by young people. Students Unions support personal development and promote the labor and social adaptation of young people. 


For further information call: 30–99–74.

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