Institute of retraining and advanced training of specialists

The Head of the institute
Valery Stanislavovich Lesovik


Organization and conduct of systematic training of management and engineering personnel of enterprises, taking into account the requirements of the time and prospects for the development of industrial relations.

Main activities:

Seminar-consultations (8-32 hours)

1. Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
2. Safety during operation of load-lifting machines
3. Safety during operation of the boiler house
4. Safety in the operation of gas facilities
5. Mine Surveying for Safe Mining
6. Safety during operation of chemical hazardous objects
7. Safety in the operation of equipment for storage and processing of plant raw materials
8. Safety in the operation of equipment for the transport of dangerous goods
9. Safety of work related to the cleaning of silos
10. Safety during blasting operations on open mining and special blasting operations
11. Safety in the operation of power-consuming plants (primary training)
12. Safety in the operation of power-consuming plants (re-training)
13. Safety in operation of thermal power plants and networks
14. Fire-technical minimum
15. Safe methods and methods of performing works at height for workers

Refresher course (36-200 hours)

1. Environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and safety when working with waste (1-4 hazard classes) – 112 hours
2. Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of overall economic management systems – 72 hours
3. Ensuring environmental safety when working with waste (1-4 hazard classes) – 112 hours
4. Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of environmental services and environmental control systems – 200 hours
5. Industrial and civil construction BS (01-16)
6. New technologies in geodetic works
7. Further training of cadastral engineers
8. Contract system in procurement, works, services for provision of state and municipal needs
9. Pricing and estimated rationing in construction
10. Roads
11. «Industrial and civil engineering» - Design of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility
12. Designing in Auto CAD
13. Staffing
14. Economics and Enterprise Management
15. Management of state and municipal orders
16. Innovative management

Professional retraining (250-500 hours)
1. "Personnel Management"

  • Top and medium-level managers
  • Managers and heads of enterprises
  • Specialists of human resources offices and employment service agencies
  • Labor economist

2. «Housing management»

  • Heads of institutions, organizations, enterprises
  • Heads of specialized units, services
  • Engineers for industrial and civil construction
  • Architects and engineers for urban construction

3. «Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes»

  • Mechanic
  • Technician
  • Head of maintenance workshop
  • Head of garage
  • Head of service station
  • Dispatcher of automobile and city transport

4. «Technospheric security»

  • Occupational Safety Specialist

5. «Industrial and civil construction»

6. «Pricing and Estimates in Construction»

7. «Quality control of building materials and structures»

The training program includes lecture and practical classes, as well as an internship.

Diploma of the standard form on professional retraining is issued based on the results of the training.


The Head of the institute – Valery Stanislavovich Lesovik
Address: office 505 A (main building)
Tel.: (4722) 55-13-66, 30-99-66, 54-32-49  

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