High qualification of employees, their professional competence is the key to the successful operation of any enterprise. In the conditions of economic diversification and the development of industrial production in the country, most enterprises are implementing innovative production technologies, including nanotechnology, the development and implementation of which requires an appropriate human resources. In this regard, there is a need to develop and implement additional professional programs (professional retraining and advanced training) by direct order of manufacturing companies.

In accordance with the Presidential Initiative «The Strategy for the Development of the Nanoindustry» and according to the concept of the educational activity of the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO Group), BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov became one of the first universities, implemented together with the Foundation of Infrastructural and Educational Programs  the project of advanced professional retraining with the purpose of developing personnel support for organizations and enterprises of the Russian Federation developing and using nanotechnology.

In the period from 2010 to 2017 at the request of nanoindustry enterprises with the assistance of the FIEP under the supervising of Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. V.V. Strokova the following educational programs of additional vocational education were developed and implemented.

1. Professional retraining programs:

– «Production of cement-free mineral nanostructured astringent non-hydration hardening and composite materials of construction use on their basis» (2010);
– «Production and application of nanostructured aqueous polymer emulsions» (2013-2014);
– «Production of self-compacting concretes on the basis of composite binders using nanostructuring components» (2014-2015);
– «Development and production of nanomodifying additives for composite materials for construction purposes» (2016-2017).

2. Programs of advanced training for promotion of production technologies for energy efficient nanostructured composite materials of project companies of OJSC «RUSNANO»:

– «Composite Materials Based on Carbon Fiber in Construction», SJSC «Holding Company «Composite» (2011);
– «Energy Efficient Glass», STIS Group of Companies (2011);
– «Solar energy. Creation of thin-film solar modules», LLC «Hevel» (2011);
– «LEDs and lighting equipment», SJSC «Optogan» (2011).

3. E-learning development program: «Fundamentals of nanotechnology in construction» (2012).

The purpose of these educational programs is the establishment of the foundations of an educational infrastructure for efficient and effective vocational training (retraining and advanced training) of personnel capable of implementing fundamentally new production technologies in the process of implementing innovative projects at enterprises.

The peculiarities of the developed educational programs of professional retraining and advanced training are:

  • a modular structure that ensures the formation of the necessary professional competencies;
  • Individual approach to students taking into account basic education and production experience;
  • distance learning, which allows students to undergo training with a partial separation from production and adjust the learning process to their individual capabilities and characteristics;
  • conducting practical works on modern technological and laboratory equipment.

More information you can get by visiting the educational portal

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