
The intellectual property protection is one of the major directions characterizing the activities of research and development operations. The division of creation and assessment of intellectual property items (DCAIPI) is a structural subdivision of this department.

Main objectives:

  • Legal protection of the of industrial object properties of the university set up for  in case for the implementation of educational, scientific, innovative activities including training, design and submission of invention requests and useful models in Rospatent.
  • Property rights protection of the university concerning objects of industrial property as well as protection of the property and personal intellectual property rights of their authors.
  • Provide workers (authors) of objects of industrial property of the university in consultation and information assistance in the implementation of their property and personal intellectual property rights.
  • Determination of protection strategy of intellectual property for the purpose of their most effective commercialization.
  • Participation of students and graduate students of university training in the legal protection bases and commercial implementation of intellectual property.
  • The analysis of inventive status and patent licensed activities of the university it was clear that it requires modernization.
  • The implementation of verification and auditing in the field of legal protection and commercialisation of objects of industrial property of the university.

You will be able to obtain the following by contacting (DCAIPI):

  • To get specific assistance  with full complex job connected with invention support or useful model, procuring classified documents about  invention or useful model, computer programs, databases, trademarks and other objects of industrial properties.
  • To get consulling from department specialists on any issues concerning protection of the intellectual property rights (objects of industrial property, copyright issues).
  • To obtain assistance in the program development of complete intellectual property protection, including invention registration rights, useful models, trademarks, copyright subjects, including computer programs.
  • To get assistance and advice when surfing in the Internet for researches on Rospatent fund.

The centre of organization and assessment of intellectual properties has methodical instructions for carrying out patent researches during project work, degree projects, master or candidate theses.

The main objective of such patent researches is the acquisition of operation skills with the patent literature and documentation by students, graduate students and staff of university from  available on the Internet on the Rospatent website and application of this information in their projects development.

The Head of the Division: Viktoria A. Zinkova 

Division of creation and assessment of intellectual property items (DCAIPI):

  • Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University, (DCAIPI)
  • Kostyukova St. 46, Belgorod, 308012, Russia, (library casing, 4th floor, Room. 409),
  • Tel. (4722) 42-08-19, intern. 51-19,
  • e-mail: patent_bstu@mail.ru, vikzinkova@mail.ru
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