Director of the Scientific and Technical Center of the Housing and Communal Services
Golikov Georgiy Georgievich


The Scientific and Technical Center of the Housing and Communal Complex is created for the development of new technological processes, professional training, retraining and testing of knowledge in the field of housing and communal services for employees and employers at enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of property belonging to the Housing and Communal Complex of the Russian Federation, carrying out expert examinations of housing and communal services and urban infrastructure, issuing scientifically sound proposals and conclusions on identified shortcomings.

The main objectives of the Center are:

- creating the new technologies, processes and organization of works aimed at resolving issues in the housing and communal complex;

- providing with professional training and retraining of specialists and employees, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination in the field of housing and communal services;

- scientific and practical and expert assistance to enterprises and organizations of the housing and communal services of the region in solving issues related to housing and communal services and urbanization of the territory.

The main tasks of the Center are:

- statistical study of the problematization of the deficit of the profiled personnel in the structures of housing and communal services;

- study, creation and application in practice of advanced technological processes, methods and developments applied in housing and communal services;

- development of training processes, consultations and retraining of employees, specialists, and managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership on housing and communal services;

- checking knowledge of normative acts and legislative provisions in the sphere of housing and communal services of managers, engineers and technicians of the housing and communal services;

- development and publication of educational-methodical and information materials on housing and communal services;

- conducting independent examinations of the housing and communal services objects with revealing of shortcomings and offering methods for resolving the situation;

- research and analysis of problematization in housing and communal services and development of recommendations for their prevention;

- promotion of international best practices in resolving issues of housing and communal services.

Contact data:
Address: 308012, Belgorod, ul. Kostyukova 46, room 132 MSB; 132a MSB section of HS at the BHS department
Phone: 8-4722-55-35-01, 8-4722-30-99-01, 14-83 (internal)

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