The goal of SEC is to provide high- quality training for young specialists and highly qualified specialists in the fields of mechatronics, robotics, control systems and microsystem equipment, as well as nanosystems and nanomanipulators based on the integration of the scientific and pedagogical potential of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and IMACH of RAS in carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research, commercialization of their results, development of new programs and methods that develop and integrate fundamental research and educational process, methodological support of the educational process, development of international cooperation.


  • ensuring interaction of fundamental and applied science with an educational process in all its stages, including the use of the results of joint research work in lectures, the experimental base for performing training and research, laboratory and coursework, practical training and pre-graduation practice;
  • Involvement of qualified employees of scientific organizations to read special courses and to supervise educational and research, course and graduation theses, students' practice and trainee job for postgraduate students;
  • Strengthening of the material and technical base of the educational process, scientific research and technological developments in the field of nano systems, control systems, mechatronics and robotics in BSTU and IMACH RAS;
  • Improvement of the level of teaching and methodical work by creating new curricula, textbooks, training and methodological aids, including electronic ones;
  • training and retraining of the personnel for the domestic industry and nano industry in close cooperation with state corporations and the real sector of the economy, job placement of graduates in high-tech innovative companies, institutes of the RAS, other research centers, scientific parks, technologies transfer centers
  • Organization of the effective interaction with other SECs and universities to develop educational standards of the new generation, realization of student exchange and training of bachelors according to the programs of specialized master's training in the field of nanosystems, mechatronics and robotics;
  •  international cooperation through implementation of contracts, participation of SEC MICS in international conferences, organization of an international exchange of staff, students and young scientists with specialized universities and laboratories of the world, international scientific and educational establishments and foundations;
  • Creation of an infrastructure for supporting research by inclusion of the educational and scientific equipment of the Participants of SEC MICS into the united Center for Collective Use on the basis of BSTU and IMACH RAS;
  • popularization of scientific knowledge and pre-university vocational orientation work, conducting school, university competitions, scientific and practical students and graduate students’ conferences, master classes and exhibitions, development and practical realization of measures to motivate talented young people for their professional careers in nanosystems, mechatronics and robotics.


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