Innovative and technological center

The innovative and technological center of the Belgorod state technological university named after  V.G. Shukhov (ITCs BSTU) was  created in 2004 for the purpose to  increase the  efficiency of cooperation of science with manufacturing enterprises.

Problems which are solved by ITCs BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov:

  • involvement in innovative activity of students, graduate students, doctoral candidates and scientists;
  • support of the small innovative enterprises providing  a scientific idea to commercial development, performing function of "an idea incubator";
  • providing scientific and consulting services to the scientific and small innovative enterprises.

Services ITCs BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov for users:

Information services:

  • maintaining the database of scientific and technical developments and innovative offers of higher education institutions, enterprises of the Belgorod region and other regions of Russia   industries;
  • providing with standard and legal documentation;
  • market researches in the field of the industry of construction materials and construction;
  • studying and forecasting of the internal and external markets of intellectual property, raw materials and production;
  • informing on sources of financing and crediting of innovative projects;
  • organization and holding of conferences, round tables, seminars and presentations.

Assessment of intellectual property and business

Consulting services:

  • consulting services in questions of accounting, reporting and taxation;
    Conducting accounting of the small innovative enterprises created with participation of the university is carried out by the specialized organization created on the basis of institute of Economy and management, LLC Business-Project;
  • tax planning, carrying out the economic and financial analysis;
  • development of the business development strategy in the scientific and technical sphere.

Legal services:

  • selection of optimum legal form of registration of business taking into account the taxation, privileges, expediency, prospect;
  • consultation on preparation of documents concerning registration of the organization.

Today in ITCs BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov  there are three projects which in a complex allow to carry out goals and tasks successfully are implemented:

1. Innovative business incubator.

Main objectives of business incubator are:

  • increase in number of small enterprises in the sphere of the high technologies created with participation of students, graduate students and scientists on the basis of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov and increase in their stability;
  • activation of innovative activity of students, graduate students and scientists on the basis of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov;
  • simplification of access of small enterprises to material and other resources in the sphere of high technologies;
  • formation of standards of professional business among small business entities.

Priority tasks of business incubator:

  • support and ensure  survival of the newly created and being at an early stage of development small enterprises with participation of students, graduate students and scientists on the basis of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov in the sphere of high technologies;
  • creation of new jobs with participation of students, graduate students and scientists;
  • encouragement and ensuring formation of growth of the new small enterprises advancing new technologies and commercializing scientific knowledge.


2. The business center provides scientific and consulting, information, accounting and legal services for small enterprises of the scientific and technical and innovative sphere; will organize the consulting and methodical seminars devoted to the solution of current problems of businessmen in the field of increase in innovative activity of the enterprises and organizations, financing and the taxation of business. Today users of services of business center are the small innovative enterprises of the Belgorod region, etc. regions of Russia and also foreign states.


3. School of innovative business. The purpose of the project is obtaining practical skills by students, graduate students, doctoral candidates and scientists of the university in the field of the organization and conducting small and medium business and also support of their enterprise initiative.

For achievement of a goal the following problems are solved:

  • carrying out analytical work for identification and selection of potential participants of the project;
  • training in bases of creation and development of the small innovative enterprises;
  • assistance in creation of small innovative business;
  • creation of conditions for commercialization of the scientific and technical and innovative ideas.

We invite to cooperate   graduate students, doctoral candidates and scientists of our university, and also organizations of the Russian Federation and foreign states.

Director of the center - Romanovich Lyudmila Gennadyevna, associate professor,
Expert of the International Academy of Sciences and the Higher Education (Great Britain)
ph.: (4722) 230-510
UK 5, incorporated bank.305; E-mail:

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