
Electronic resources

Electronic services

The Scientific and Technical Library is a modern center of spiritual and intellectual communication, information support for the educational process and scientific research with a rich book fund of more than 1.5 million copies of educational, scientific, regulatory and technical and periodicals on the profile of the university.

Working in the mode of new information technologies, focusing on the needs of modern users for timely and high-quality information, the library provides access to the resources of the largest libraries and information centers in Russia: the electronic database of dissertations of the Russian State Library; educational and scientific editions of the electronic library systems of the publishing house "Lan", "IPRSmart", "University Library Online" and others; Russian scientific journals of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU; databases of the international scientific citation index Scopus and Web of Science; materials of foreign publishers.

The university electronic library is available on the Internet, which includes educational and scientific publications of university authors, rare and valuable books from the STL fund.

Reading room of educational literature

In order to provide open access to the results of scientific research conducted at the university, an institutional repository has been created and is actively replenished with scientific publications. The University is a member of the NEICON project "National Aggregator of Open Repositories of Russian Universities" (NORA), on the platform of which more than 600,000 scientific materials of universities are available.

For users working with electronic media and remote databases, there is a hall of electronic resources.

Hall of Electronic Resources

Information day

STL is a participant in the creation of information resources and services of the corporate system of libraries in the Belgorod region (the Unified Information Space of Libraries). Since 2014 the library participates in the creation of a unified electronic library system of the Association of Construction Universities on the platform of ELS "IPRSmart" and the federal library and information project to form an information system for accessing electronic catalogs of libraries in the field of education and science within the framework of a single Internet resource implemented by the State Public Library for Science and Technology.

The scientific and technical library of the university is a methodological center for specialists of libraries of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Belgorod region and provides them with organizational and methodological assistance in the main areas of activity, develops methodological materials, conducts seminars, meetings, master classes, trainings, etc.

The STL has its own Web site (, which contains information about the resources and services of the library, an electronic catalog (maintained since 1993), reference and information manuals developed by the library specialists.

Теl. (4722) 55-01-46; 30-99-01 (add. 17-75, 17-80);
Fax: (4722) 30-99-96

Working hours of the scientific and technical library:

Reading rooms and subscriptions:

  • Monday-Friday: 9-00 -18-00 ( without lunch break )
  • Satturday: с 9-00 до 16-00 ( without lunch break)
  • Sunday- day off

Fiction subscription (accomodation №1):

  • Monday- Thyrsday: 11-00 -19-00 ( without lunch break)
  • пятница: с 11-00 до 18-00 ( without lunch break)
  • Saturday. Sunday-day off.

The last day of the month is sanitary.

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