Our history

After World War II Soviet Union experienced an urgent need for engineers to immediately restore economy, ruined by the war. 
That was the reason for the Council of Ministers to adopt the resolution of the USSR, № 797 to establish Technological Institute of construction materials in Belgorod.
In 1979 The Institute was named after I. A. Grishmanov, who was the Minister of construction materials industry of the USSR in 1960–1970s. In April 1994 the Institute was renamed into Belgorod State Technological Academy of building materials.

In 2002 our University successfully acquired state accreditation and in March 2003 received the status of University.

Shortly after that it was named after Vladimir G. Shukhov. This genius of engineering was born in our region. He was called "Russian Edison" and "The first engineer Russian Imperia" when he was still alive.

His polytechnic work was expressed in genius engineering projects, concerning different areas, which are still relevant hundred years later.

Shukhov memorial on the university square reminds students of great achievements of Russian people and that our country needs talented engineers.

The head of the university is Doctor of Economics, Professor Sergei Nikolaevich Glagolev, Chairman of the Commission for International Education and Cooperation of the Council of Rectors of the Belgorod Region, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Quality.

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov  is the largest specialized Russian Higher Educational Institution in the sphere of building material and construction, which holds leading position in the world educational and research field.

Well-equipped University campus is located on the territory of 350,000 m². It consists of academic and research buildings, production centre, scientific and engineering library, sport facilities, recreational centre, dormitories, residential buildings for academic staff, canteen.

In more than 60 years of its academic history the status of University has significantly improved but the fundamental goal is still the same, namely teaching of qualified scientist and engineer in construction industry.

We are proud of our alumnus. Many of them have become leading experts and managers of the largest enterprises of the construction industry.

Research schools and scientists of our University are well-known in international community. Today innovative technologies in the field of construction industry are successfully implemented at leading construction enterprises in Russia and abroad.

Above all, the university is steadily developing, expanding the list of programmes and having a huge impact not only on the development of the local economy of Belgorod region, but also on national level.

Previous history, history of growth and prosperity have gained V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University prospective future.

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