Security and Safety Management

Works of students of the V.G. Shukhov BSTU

Security of the university is the safety of every student, faculty, and staff. Security is provided by the protection of staff from emergencies and crime, constant special training.

Workplaces are certified for the protection of labor and health and disease control. There are a medical center and a summer health camp in university. Environmental safety is presented through creating of a healthy environment.

Educational and production facilities and dormitories are equipped with automatic fire alarm systems and automatic fire extinguishing systems to provide fire safety. Means of individual protection and fire extinguishing (fire extinguishers, smoke protective masks, etc.) are available for the staff. A voluntary fire brigade was established as part of a volunteer patrol for maintenance of order.

Active work is conducted to prevent acts of terrorism, extremism, and crime. The territory along the perimeter of 3.5 km, study buildings, and dormitories are equipped with an automatic access control system, which allows keeping a record of staff in real time. A video surveillance system (more than 200 cameras) is installed in the campus. The campus is patrolled by the security service and by the forces of the voluntary patrol for the protection of order.

University focuses on ensuring the safety of foreign students and keep in touch with embassies and consulates. Individual approach to each student is offered.

State, official and commercial secrets, intellectual property and other information is protected from unauthorized use by people and with the help of technical means.

Interaction with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the State Drug Control Service, the Ministry for Emergency Situations, the regional and city administrations have been organized. Joint plans have been developed and are being implemented.

The following structural divisions of the university were established for maintenance of security and safety:

  • Central monitoring service;
  • Security department;
  • Mobilization, Civil Defense, and Emergency department;
  • Department of labor protection;
  • Department of Information and Communication;
  • Voluntary patrols for the maintenance of order.
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