Facilities for nanotechnologies in building industry are unprecedented

During the visit in Belgorod region on July, 24th the delegation of the state association “Russian corporation of nanotechnologies” headed by the general director, president Anatoly Borisovitch Chubais saw Belgorod Center of Expositions and the Belgorod Shukov State Technological University. The delegation was accompanied by the governor of Belgorod region Evgeny Savtchenko and other official persons. Honorable guests arrived in Belgorod to get acquainted with achievements of scientists of the region in the sphere of scientific and innovation activity.

The Belgorod Shukov State Technological University is one of the leaders of students training in various fields of nanotechnology appliance. Five projects of the employees of BSTU are supported by the state corporation of the Russian Nanotechnology Center.

The head of the delegation was interested in nanotechnology projects of the Belgorod Shukov State Technological University presented at the Belgorod Center of Expositions. He examined all the projects, asked questions to his interlocutors, tried to estimate objectively the effect of the new development of scientists. V.V. Strokova, doctor of sciences, professor, head of the section “Nanosystems in building materials science” noticed that the new development of students and post-graduate students were highly appreciated in the most prestigious competitions by scientific experts as well as by manufacturers. A.B. Chubais examined the developments of the section “Nanosystems in building materials science” such as: “Technology of high-performance heat-insulating foamed concrete manufacture based on integrated steam formation and nanodisperse modifiers”, “Technology of manufacture of cell materials for special and building purpose based on nanostructured binding ones”…Many questions were discussed about the project of the department of ceramics and flux design technology “Manufacture of nanostructured ceramics raw materials and precursors” (I.Y. Moreva, research officer, doctor of sciences). The presentation of the department of machine building technologies “Development of robot machine-tools of parallel structure for precise machining and measurements on the nanolevel of complex model” (L.A. Ribak, professor, doctor of sciences) was highly appreciated too.

Then A.B. Chubais visited BSSTU, put flowers to the momnument to V.G. Shukhov. He met representatives of the University council. The rector of the University, doctor of engineering, professor A.M. Gridchin represented the the University.

A.B. Chubais underlined that Russian nanotechnology center was founded for commercialization of working out. He added about collaboration with masters and postgraduates in the field of nanotechnology, staffing define projects. This work must be more flexible and more purposeful and it will be in various regions of our country.

According to Anatoly Borisovich’s opinion the second direction is professional and scientific expertise, analytical estimation of projects by the University scientists in common with Russian nanotechnology specialists. Also promotion and support young scientists’ projects. Young scientists A.B. Bukhalo and Morevay’s works were marked by A.B. Chubais.

Among the University achievements business incubator creation was marked by the guest from Moscow, also he was sured that installation of scientific development must give 10% budget to the university. According to his opinion “the University must create business”. And also should conduct the best students’ business project competitions and should develop competition.

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