
On September 11, 2010 the Muslim students BSTU celebrated the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

The students warmly congratulated each other and the guests who were invited to the party, with the end of the blessed Ramadan!

Those who joyfully met the end of the blessed Ramadan got together at the festive set tables decorated with ripe vegetables, sweets, rice and, naturally, hot served and aromatic soup. From all their hearts the students congratulated each other and the guests who were invited to the party. The young people representing different countries such as Chad, Egypt, Afghanistan, Yemen, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan etc. with smiles and enthusiasm started dancing, communicating and taking pictures.
The festive evening was organized by the initiative group of students
(Ahmat  Mahamat Oby, Mahamat Usman Usman, Shamsadin Mahamat Nazal, Haitov Nuriddin, Palalane Jerimias Abel, Naji Ammar Mahmoud Ali and others).

This month, highly esteemed by all the Muslims is associated with a period of spiritual purification and renewal, responsiveness and tolerance, magnanimity and goodheartedness. The Holy Month of Ramadan, being a month of peace, kindness and forgiveness, completely discloses all the best spiritual values a person has, extolling a pure spirit and the human higher thoughts. 

In Russia, the Islamic religion and its traditions constitute an integral part of an international, extremely rich culture and spiritual heritage of the Muslim peoples. Islam aims to unite all Muslims around the spiritual values of humanity and humanitarian ideals, which serve to the bright future of the mankind and spiritual revival of people. Islam calls on people to conscience, centering around a great concept - Faith.
The Holy Quran appeals to people living in period when they have to go through difficulties, to overall tolerance and forgiveness of all past grievances. During the Holy month of Ramadan, even people who used to be enemies should forgive each other for the sake of further peaceful coexistence, get rid of all bad habits and generously respect  all the people. These concepts are the holy ones and represent the highest of the humanistic ideals of Islam.
One of the most cherished covenants of the Islamic religion to the people is the ability to be forgiving. Only being able to be forgiving and generous towards each other, you can have a chance to move together in friendship in the reach of further goals.
Thus, the holy month of Ramadan since the ancient times has been preaching to people about peace and harmony in the society and between people.


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