German Professor

German Professor marked the level of training On September 13 Mr. Hans-Bertrand Fisher, engineer,  professor at the University of Weimar Bauhaus conducted a lecture on "Current research in binders based on calcium sulfate” at Belgorod state Shukhov Technological University. The students of the faculty of building materials science had a unique opportunity to listen to the lecture, expand and enrich their knowledge in the field of gypsum binders. For many years Mr. Fisher has been engaged in similar developments  and is recognized as one of the most competent scientists in this field. As you know, today Germany is a leader in the area of construction materials science in the field of gypsum binders in particular, which are currently in very high demand on the world market of building materials. The start to scientific contacts between BSTU named after V.G Shukhov and the university of city of Weimar was laid in 1994 during the visit of the first vice rector for research, innovation and international activities, Professor V.S Lesovik to Germany.

In his interview given to our correspondent, Mr. Fischer emphasized the high level of training at BSTU, which allows this higher education institution to occupy leading positions in Russia and Europe for many years.

I was very pleased with the attention, interest to my lecture and the feedback from students. The questions I was asked, related the very essence of the subject. This testifies to the fact that your students have sufficient knowledge in the use of new building materials on the basis of binding agents – shared Mr Fisher with our correspondent.

On the same day Dr. I.J Kharchenko professor, representative of the German construction company Intrabau-Systems GmbH "Weimar addressed the students with a lecture "Application of composite binding materials" the subject of which is very urgent, as it meets modern trends in the development of building materials technology .
After the lecture, Dr I.J Kharchenko answered numerous questions from the audience on implementation of composite binding materials.
Igor Yakovlevich expressed hope that cooperation between BSTU and Intrabau-Systems GmbH will strengthen. The company is very interested in training young professionals to proceed their work at the company factories in Russia.


 Intrabau systems GmbH is aware of the high level of the organization of educational process and scientific activities at BSTU.  We would like to make a contribution to preparation of your experts, in particular, to extend their scope in the application of new composite binders. I believe that my lecture is a step in this direction, - concluded Igor Harchenko.

Public Relations Department



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