Summing up the results of the visit of the delegation from Iraq


Summing-up of the visit of the delegation from the Ministry of higher Education and higher educational institutions of the Republic of Iraq took place on July 17 in the conference hall of the the Academic Council of the University. During the three weeks of their stay the guests visited universities in Belgorod. Particularly, at BSTU, they attended a course of lectures on energy conservation and management, got familiarized with the scientific schools of the university, its trends and innovations. Representatives of the delegation were interested  how the experience of Russian colleagues in the field of education and training of highly demanded professionals can be applicable use in Iraq. At the same time the guests got acquainted with the cultural traditions of our people, visited a number of historical sites. During the bilateral dialogue, the representatives of educational delegation spoke about professionals currently in demand in the today’s labor market in Iraq and what issues are the most urgent for the government of this country. According to the guests, Iraq today more than ever needs highly qualified doctors, builders, engineers, ecologists, specialists in agriculture and agricultural engineering, economics.



It is important that officials of higher school of the Republic of Iraq were able to appreciate the university project "Professional self-determination of school leavers," aimed at solving problems of professional self-determination of schoolchildren, selection of appropriate technologies to attract applicants who have consciously chosen their future profession. The members of the delegation noted the role of our university in the economic life of the region, its real-world projects being implemented for the benefit of Belgorod region.
It is worth mentioning that the teachers of the leading universities of the Middle East are interested in the training of future economists and managers, as well as the establishment of small innovative enterprises based on higher educational institutions.


Also during the dialogue, foreign colleagues stated that today's leading research libraries of the universities in Iraq do not have enough books in Russian, and many young people are not familiar with the works of Russian classic writers - Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, who made a significant contribution to world literature.



While summing up the visit of the delegation, representatives of our party were interested in the issues of student television development in higher educational institutions. The head of delegation of Iraq Dr. Hamid Majid Majid Alsharfa, said that today Iraq is actively promoting the knowledge necessary for the normal functioning of the economy due to recent events. A special TV station funded by the Ministry of Education of Iraq copes with this task, telling about the activities of any university in the Middle East region. And the local TV companies provide free daily broadcast for the leading universities in the morning and evening.
Summing up, the first vice rector of BSTU, Prof. N. Shapovalov, said:
- A brief exchange of views served as the main goal - the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in professional education and training.
Let us remind that last summer a delegation of the Teachers Association of Iraq visited our university,  which resulted in signing an agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation.
                                                                                                                    Igor Mereschenko



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