International soccer match


International soccer match

The indoor soccer match between Russian team and foreign students team, which took place in BSTU’ sports hall, had attracted huge attention and was attended by large crowd of supporters. After the teams had appeared in the middle of hall, led by their captains, Alexander Levchenko and Mahmud Shikarno, Professor V.S. Lesovik claimed a welcoming farewell speech, and an honor University’s guest from Moscow, academician of RAASN, U.M. Bazhenov started the match by initial ceremonial ball kicking.


From the first seconds it became clear that both teams would have to demonstrate all their skills in order to win the match. But the first half passed mostly under control of Russian team, while foreign students were tended to emphasize a counter-attack playing. Sometimes it was pretty hot in the RT’ goal area, but there always was some obstacle on the way to turn a temporary unfixed advantage into constant score at the panel. Some spectators may say foreign team tried to play way too aesthetic, when it demanded to use more straight but reliable strategy.



However, the second half started and we saw “another” foreign team. Do not know what exactly happened in the time break, but they started playing with much, so to speak, aiming at goal. It took only couple of minutes for hitting a score, and that was a match tipping point, because foreign team had had another 99% moment to make the total score tight, but the goal post played for Russian team. No one knows how the match would turn out if it happened, but it didn’t, and couples of minutes after Russian team scored third time this match, made a total for 3 to 1.



The end game whistle recorded the Russian team as a winner with final score 4-2. The match was highly memorable, and both teams had demonstrated their abilities to control the game, and their willingness to dominate throughout the whole match. Team of foreign students just didn’t catch enough luck, but they performed well and overwhelmed Russian team in several aspects of the game. Best match players from both teams were encouraged by gifts and diplomas.



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