Students met with the adviser to the Minister of Sports of Russia

At the site "Boiling point" of the  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, students met with adviser to the Minister of Sports of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, First Vice-President of the Russian Student Sports Union .

The speaker told his story of searching in the profession and how to determine the main value orientations: “I was always fascinated by the question“ why? ” and why?". Why are certain processes taking place? What is their reason? So I intuitively found myself in sociology and subsequently defended my dissertation on human life strategies.

Despite this, I am constantly looking for new educational topics and areas. Now I am studying social processes in sports and its socialization. He began to immerse himself in the field of socio-economic development. " The students were interested in what goals set for himself in his youth and how he now relates to alternative sports. In addition, the question was asked when a turning point occurred for the speaker, thanks to which the transition of the speaker's social role from an active athlete to a manager in this industry took place. “I went to the government service to understand how sports work from the side of government. I needed it to comprehend sports through state quality processes, management systems and a process organization system, ” he said . The meeting with the invited guest was very lively and dynamic. Students of the flagship university in the region asked a large number of questions of various orientations, to which the speaker tried to answer as fully as possible. At the end of the meeting, the Adviser to the Minister of Sports of Russia was shown a video of the Rus Zapovednaya festival and invited to the seventh festival to be held this year.

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