Representatives of seven foreign states discussed anti-terrorism issues

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov hosted a round table "Formation of anti-extremist and anti-terrorist environment in the university at the present stage." The meeting was held in face-to-face format with the use of remote technologies and brought together more than 35 speakers.
The round table was attended by representatives of seven foreign states: the Syrian Arab Republic, Palestine, the Republic of Afghanistan, Jordan, Egypt, Cairo and Iraq. Also, speakers were scientists and students from 18 universities, including foreign ones, professors and associate professors of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, representatives of the prosecutor's office and the department of the federal security service in the Belgorod region.
The rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov , who noted the relevance of the topic of the round table not only for Russia, but also for the entire world community. “Today there will be a discussion of many problems of public safety of modern Russian society, as well as the formation of attitudes of world outlook security in the minds of young people. It is especially pleasant that the holding of such events testifies to the understanding of the acuteness of the problem, both on the part of the leadership of universities and the student community, ”stressed he in his speech.
On the eve of the meeting, an interuniversity competition of student research papers "Youth against extremism and terrorism" was held. More than 50 scientific works were presented, reflecting the issues of combating such socio-political phenomena as terrorism and extremism.
Employees and students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov took part at the conference. Presentations were made by: Vice-Rector for Security , Head of the Military Training Center named after Hero of the Soviet Union, General of the Army N.F. Vatutina , associate professors of the Department of Sociology and Management  and Deputy Director of the Center for International Education and Cooperation, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management . Following the results of the round table, a collection of scientific papers will be published, which will reflect the reports of all speakers of the meeting.
It should be noted that the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Afghanistan presented the rector of the university with a letter of thanks for the fruitful international cooperation and training of highly qualified specialists for Afghanistan.
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