Fergana and Belgorod were connected by an interuniversity lecture hall

In March, the flagship university of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the Fergana Polytechnic Institute for the first time held an international interuniversity online lecture hall.
Leading scientists of higher educational institutions discussed topics that are relevant and important for the construction industry. Interuniversity interaction around the world is becoming more and more developed, which is associated with scientific and technological progress and the growing requirements for the education of graduates of higher educational institutions.
In addition, during the period of restrictions associated with the pandemic, this form of work allows scientists to safely exchange experience, while expanding scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian cooperation between universities. Back in the spring of 2019, at the initiative of the Vice-Rector for International Affairs of BSTU named after I. V.G. Shukhov, an international scientific and educational center  "Theory and practice of restoring destroyed cities" was opened on the basis of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute. It was created with the aim of high-quality training of young scientists and highly qualified specialists in the field of design, quality control of construction and monitoring of restoration facilities.
The creation of Center is entailed further cooperation with FerPI.
Within the framework of the interuniversity agreement, productive work is being carried out between universities: international student exchange programs are being introduced, as well as joint scientific research in the field of architecture, engineering, construction and many other areas.
At the Department of Construction and Urban Economy of the Technological University, students from Uzbekistan are successfully trained in Master's degree programs, actively conduct scientific activities and work on dissertations. A new milestone in cooperation was the holding of an interuniversity online lecture hall. The lectures and educational seminars presented at it were jointly developed by the teachers of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the Fergana Polytechnic Institute. During the online lecture, scientists from both universities spoke about modern design and technological solutions in the construction industry, additive technologies, BIM modeling, calculation of complex building structures, construction in dense urban areas and much more. The lectures aroused great interest among students of all undergraduate, specialist and graduate courses. The listeners thanked the lecturers for interesting reports, and the new knowledge gained will be useful to them in their further educational, scientific and professional activities. At the end of the work of the interuniversity lecture hall, scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov were awarded certificates for conducting online lectures.
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