The rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov was elected the new chairman of the council of rectors of universities of the region

A meeting of the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Belgorod Region was held at the flagship university. The first issue on the agenda was made by the chairman of the council. He presented a report on the work of the council of rectors of universities in the region for the period from 2016 to 2021. Particular attention was paid to the tasks and main targets of the council's activities. It was emphasized that Belgorod universities are making a significant contribution to the implementation of the federal project "Export of Education" of the national project "Education", which provides for an increase in the number of foreign citizens.

“The system of higher professional education in the Belgorod region has demonstrated its viability in the face of the crisis in the economy of Russia and the region, retained the ability to progressive development, which is especially important in a pandemic,” the speaker emphasized. The second item on the agenda of the meeting was the election of a new chairman of the council of rectors of higher educational institutions of the region. To participate in the voting, they nominated the candidacy of the rector of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.

All council members supported this choice by voting unanimously in favor. The minutes of the meeting of the council of rectors of universities of the Belgorod region will be sent to the Russian Union of rectors.

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