BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov received a patent for a unique invention for space activities

Every year the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIP) carry out work on the annual selection of the 100 best inventions of the year. Experts from the FIP branch expert departments identify potential inventions from the ones they recommend to the Perspective Inventions database and mark them with the highest score. Among those included in the top 100 - a team of authors from the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov  with the Scientific Research Testing Center for the Training of Cosmonauts named after Yu.A. Gagarin - received a patent for a unique on a global scale "Multilayer polymer-carbon composite for protection from space impact and a method for its production." The invention relates to the development of a material used in outer space. The composite is designed to provide additional protection of electronic equipment from the negative effects of outer space, including radiation, micrometeorite particles and solar radiation. The developed composite has, in contrast to existing analogues, increased physical and mechanical characteristics, increased radiation resistance by more than three times and increased reflection coefficient by more than three times. The use of the developed polymer composite will significantly increase the active life of space technology.

In general, the flagship university for 2020 filed 77 applications for the grant of patents to the Federal Institute of Industrial Property and 2 applications for the grant of Eurasian patents to the Eurasian Patent Organization.

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