University scientist made a presentation on the problems of global research

The VII International Scientific Conference "Actual Problems of Global Research: Global Development and the Limits of Growth in the XXI Century" was attended by a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Head of the Department of Building Materials Science, Products and Structures of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov-prpf. Valery Lesovik. The conference was held in a remote format with the participation of representatives of the International Academy for Global Studies, the Club of Rome, the World Academy of Arts and Science, UNESCO and the Society for Global Studies. When discussing topical problems of global research, presentations were made by Russian and foreign scientists, researchers, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, whose field of scientific interests relates to global research and international relations. Valery Stanislavovich presented the report "Global Studies and Transdisciplinarity - Ways to Create a New System of World Order" within the framework of the section "Theoretical Global Studies". He noted that at present humanity is on the verge of the most critical period of its development. This is due to the problems of development and coexistence of the organic and inorganic world: depletion of hydrocarbon reserves, shortage of fresh water, environmental degradation and extreme weather conditions. “It is necessary to develop a new strategy for the transition to a new system of world order. And this must be done on the basis of transdisciplinary research, which implies the expansion of the scientific worldview and the consideration of phenomena outside the framework of any one scientific discipline, ”the professor of the flagship university emphasized in his report. Valery Stanislavovich is the author of a new transdisciplinary scientific direction - geonics (geomimetics), which solves engineering problems using information obtained in the study of natural processes. Following the results of the conference, an electronic edition of the collection of articles in the author's edition will be published with placement in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY and the scientometric system of the RSCI.

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