Measures of prevention of drug addiction in universities were discussed at the international conference

 BSTU  named after V.G. Shukhov hosted an international scientific and practical conference "Innovative approaches to the prevention of drug addiction in higher educational institutions."
23 participants met at the Center for High Technologies of the university, 14 more - in a remote format, among them: representatives of international organizations, states in the rank of plenipotentiary ambassadors and other officials, the administration of the Belgorod region and the city of Belgorod, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Belgorod region, the regional drug dispensary and prosecutors. The conference was joined by representatives of 20 universities, including 5 foreign ones: Belarusian State Technological University; Donetsk National University; Catholic University of Ljubljana (Poland); Cairo State University; Egyptian National Center for Social and Criminological Research. The first vice-rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov- prof.Evgeny Evtushenko.
He stressed that the epidemic of drug addiction is spreading at a tremendous speed, capturing, first of all, young people - students. “It is during the period of study at the university that the formation of basic moral qualities takes place, the separation from parental control and the expansion of personal contacts.
Therefore, the task of universities is not only to provide professional education, but also to educate students. To instill in them ideological attitudes and to develop skills for regulating behavior, ”noted Evgeny Ivanovich. Oleg Mantulin, the secretary of the Security Council of the Belgorod region, voiced an important problem - the spread of narcotic substances using information technologies. “It is possible to combat this phenomenon only by the method of substitution therapy: by promoting a healthy lifestyle and providing all the opportunities for self-realization of citizens, first of all, young people,” Oleg Viktorovich emphasized.
The conference raised the issues of illicit trafficking and distribution of narcotic substances, analyzed and discussed measures to prevent a social problem that affects all institutions of modern society.
As a result, it is planned to publish a collection of reports of all participants of the conference and competitive student research papers "I am against drugs".
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