Shukhov BSTU student - winner of the competition for socially significant projects

At the flagship university of the Belgorod region, students are trained who are ready to realize themselves in a wide variety of areas. Someone is actively involved in science: writes articles and wins grants, and someone focuses on public life: volunteers and wins competitions.
One of these students is Ivan Babenko, chairman of the student council of students of the Chemical Technology Institute. Since the spring of 2020, Ivan has been the secretary of the primary branch of the United Russia party No. 13 in Belgorod. During the spread of COVID-19, he, together with other volunteers, helped residents of the city and region. Annually participates in the All-Russian action "Water of Russia": eco-volunteers clean water bodies and their banks from debris, preserving unique reservoirs. Now Ivan Babenko has become the winner of the competition for socially significant projects of the primary branches of United Russia. In total, 33 popular initiatives received support, including Ivan's project of sewing stage costumes for two creative groups: the Veselinka choir and the Zorka alaya ensemble. “The projects are completely different, but each one is relevant. This is not only landscaping, these are educational projects and social projects. The competition for the primary branches helps to realize the dream that the activists had, ”said Natalia Poluyanova, secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party. The main assessment criterion was the importance and relevance of the presented initiatives for the residents of the region.
Now Ivan Babenko, together with the team, is engaged in sewing stage costumes and helps to develop folk culture along with organizing leisure activities for senior citizens.
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