BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and BelSAU named after V.Ya. Gorin will hold AgroNTI-2021

AgroNTI-2021 is an all-Russian competition among students of educational institutions of rural settlements and small towns. The competition was organized by the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere with the support of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The competition will take place from September 10 to 11 and will allow to involve schoolchildren of grades 5-11 in work on technological projects. All participants will have the opportunity to get involved in modern technology, learn how to work with drones and weather stations, create and analyze maps, and conduct experiments in the field of biotechnology. This year, AgroNTI-2021 will be attended by children from seven regions of Russia: Belgorod, Moscow, Leningrad, Oryol, Ryazan, Vologda and Volgograd regions.

Each region will represent teams of six people in the following areas: AgroCopters - distributed systems of unmanned aerial vehicles, automatic control systems. Participants program a quadcopter for flight at the training ground; AgroRobots - automated control systems for agricultural machinery.

The participant, controlling the robot at the training ground, solves logistic problems to optimize the trajectory of its movement, in order to fulfill the assigned tasks; AgroKosmos - the use of space images and web GIS technologies in agriculture. Participants are provided with access to the GIS program and the data on which they analyze; "AgroMeteo" - weather forecasting, creating a weather archive, analytics. Based on the data received from the training meteorological station, the participants analyze the weather; "AgroBio" - methods of protection against diseases and pests of agricultural crops. Participants, winners and prize-winners of the competition will receive additional points to the Unified State Exam upon admission to any university in the country. All children will be able to acquire teamwork skills, and most importantly - to choose a direction for further development and understanding the prospects for the transition of agriculture in our country to a new level of development.

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