Foreign students met with schoolchildren of Shukhov Lyceum

On the Day of Knowledge, foreign students from the flagship university visited the Shukhov Lyceum.
Such meetings with schoolchildren are traditionally held at the initiative of the administration of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens.
Students in grades 5 and 6 have not yet decided for themselves who they want to be and where to continue their studies after school. There is still time, but information on how to become a student at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, it won't hurt them. Hassan Ibrahim from the Republic of Chad told the children that studying at the Institute of Energy, Information Technologies and Control Systems is very difficult, but interesting. In the future, he plans to work as a software engineer and wants to contribute to the development of computer technology in his country. Abu Assali Muhanna (IEM) from Syria shared his thoughts on how to understand the intricacies of the world economy and help your country. He noted that after the civil war his country is in dire need of good specialists in various fields. The main question that interested schoolchildren: why Russia? To which the students answered without hesitation: Russian education in their countries is considered one of the best. And the diploma of the BSTU them. Shukhov has long become the hallmark of successful people in many countries of the world. For schoolchildren, this meeting became an interesting and informative supplement to the beginning of the school year, and foreign guests enjoyed communicating with the younger generation. “Do science, do not be afraid to ask questions and learn something new, the doors of the university are always open for you,” - these are the words of the foreign students who said goodbye to the guys. Let us remind you that Shukhov Lyceum is a new type of educational institution. It carries out a specialized or in-depth study of disciplines necessary for training in technical universities, first of all - in BSTU im. V.G. Shukhov. Lyceum graduates enter the university on special conditions.
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