BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov joined the discussion of environmental technologies for waste processing

The flagship university of the Belgorod region took part in the work of the All-Russian youth scientific school "Ecological technologies of waste processing with the receipt of new materials and energy carriers." It took place at the Tver State Technical University.
The speakers at the scientific school were leading scientists and employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Tver State Technical University and other specialized universities in Russia, as well as scientists from the countries of the European Union. BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov was represented at this event by Corresponding Member of the RAASN, Head of the Department of Building Materials Science, Products and Structures Valery Lesovik. In an online format, he made a presentation on the use of industrial waste as a raw material base for the construction industry. Valery Stanislavovich focused on the fact that the study of the genesis, composition and structure of industrial waste allows them to be transferred to the category of technogenic raw materials.
It is it that can be used to obtain new generation building composites using the theoretical provisions of the new transdisciplinary scientific direction of geonics (geomimetics). Information on modern theoretical aspects of building materials science, presented by Valery Lesovik, will benefit graduate students, teachers and employees of universities both in Russia and abroad.
The use of such approaches will allow not only to expand the raw material base of the construction industry and to develop new technologies for the production of composites, but also to improve the state of the environment.
This will increase the level of environmental safety and will contribute to the optimization of the human environment.
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