BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov will receive funding for the creation of new laboratories

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia has completed the selection procedure for the creation of new laboratories in 2021 within the framework of the Science and Universities project.
They will be created under the guidance of young and promising scientists in scientific and educational organizations - participants in world-class scientific and educational centers. In the Belgorod region, financial support for scientific research will receive five new laboratories, two of which will function at BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.
They will carry out scientific research related to the REC activity programs and their technological projects. According to the minutes of the meeting of the budget commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 14, 2021 No. BK-P / 23, funding was provided to: Laboratories "Resource and energy saving technologies, equipment and complexes" (head - associate professor, head of the research department Sergey Klyuev).
Laboratories "Development of scientific and technical foundations for the creation of polymer systems from renewable plant materials" (head - Associate Professor Natalya Cherkashina). Each laboratory will annually receive subsidies from the federal budget in the amount of 14 to 18 million rubles. The funding will last for three years. Recall that since 2019, a world-class scientific and educational center "Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex" has been operating in the Belgorod region within the framework of the national project "Science". BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova is a developer, scientific consultant and center for training highly competent specialists in a number of science-intensive technological projects that form the basis for the development of the regional and domestic agroindustry. On the basis of the university, 4 projects are already being successfully implemented within the framework of the REC.
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