BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov at VUZPROMEXPO-2021

cientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov took part in the VIII Annual National Exhibition "VUZPROMEXPO-2021", which was held from 8 to 10 December in Sochi at the site of the Park of Science and Arts "Sirius". The main purpose of the exhibition was to identify the prospects for the further development of cooperation between business, universities and scientific institutions in terms of bringing developments to their industrial implementation and commercialization. Two projects from the university were presented at the high-tech exposition: - "Creation of high-tech large-scale production of animal protein from fly larvae", under the leadership of Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof. Department "Industrial Ecology" Zhanna Sapronova.

As part of this project, a search for new sources of protein for feed for agricultural animals and aquaculture is being carried out. - “Multi-robotic system for aliquoting of biosamples”, under the direction of Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof. Department of "Technology of mechanical engineering" Larisa Rybak. In this project, a multi-robotic system based on the use of an intelligent robotic system consists of a parallel structure manipulator based on the Delta mechanism with four degrees of freedom, which provides high-precision positioning and execution of basic liquid pipetting operations, and a module based on a collaborative robot, which has a sequential structure, for performing operations of transporting plates and test tubes.

This project was presented by research engineers of the Research Institute of Robotics and Control Systems Voloshkin Artem and Cherednikov Igor. The main line of the business program "VUZPROMEXPO-2021" was questions related to various aspects of the implementation of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority 2030".

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