Shukhov scientists are among the grant recipients of the competition for grants of the President of the Russian Federation

Scientists of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, they carry out extensive work not only in the field of training highly qualified specialists, but also in the field of scientific research and discoveries.
The winners of the 2022 competition for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support: - the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation in the nomination "Technical Sciences" became - Olga A. Averkova, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation; - young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences, the winners in the category "Technical Sciences" are:
Vaschenko Roman Alexandrovich, Cand. tech. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics,
Zhilin Evgeniy Vitalievich, Cand. tech. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Electric Power and Automation,
Shevtsova Anastasia Gennadievna, Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Operation and Organization of Vehicle Traffic. Grants are provided for 2022-2023, the size of the grant for the scientific school is 2 million 900 thousand rubles. per year, the size of the grant for young Russian scientists - candidates of science 600 thousand rubles. in year. Congratulations to the scientists of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov with the victory and receipt of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation and wish you success in the upcoming scientific research!
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