Eurasian partnership: new protocols of interaction in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa

Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov prof. Sergey Glagolev took part in the International round table "Eurasian partnership: new protocols of interaction in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa". The discussion took place in the format of a videoconference. The topic of the meeting is interaction in ensuring economic interests and maintaining the stability of international relations on the territory of Eurasia. The roundtable participants discussed new protocols for interaction in modern conditions, food security, international scientific and technical cooperation in the Eurasian space, new financial instruments and media promotion strategies.

It should be noted that the Belgorod Technological University is constantly expanding its international contacts: it is actively working with the Union of Arab Universities, participating in the creation of the Russian-Syrian network university, interacting with one of the largest universities in North Africa - Hassan the First University in Morocco.

Rector of BSTU name after V.G. Shukhov prof. Sergei Glagolev emphasized the importance of international relations not only in the preparation of future specialists, but also for the economic development of the region as a whole. “The potential for further interaction with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa is necessary to expand scientific partnerships and popularize Russian education in these countries. This cooperation is also important because it can help attract investment in our region, since today we are talking not only about education and science, but also about the economy,” Sergei Glagolev emphasized.

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