Honored the memory of those who died during the liberation of the city

It was on this day, August 5, 1943, that salvos of triumphant salute instilled confidence in the Victory in the hearts of front-line soldiers and home front workers. Belgorod became a place of courage and glory for the fighters: Belgorod residents showed courage on all fronts, for which they received well-deserved awards. Civilians resisted the enemy, helped the army, brought liberation closer, and then restored their native city, which had been destroyed to the ground. Since then, Belgorod has been called the "City of the First Salute".

And in 2007, the city with the richest military history was awarded the title of City of Military Glory. In memory of the events of 79 years ago, on the Day of the City, the delegation of BSTU named after  V. G. Shukhov, headed by Rector Sergei Glagolev, laid flowers at the “Grieving Mother” memorial on Cathedral Square and at the grave of an unknown pilot who died in the Pushkar Forest during the liberation of Belgorod from Nazi invaders. Recall that since 1977, with the help of students - fighters of labor detachments, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov provided patronage over the memorable place of heroic glory - the grave of an unknown pilot. The downed plane crashed near the former suburban settlement just on the eve of the liberation of Belgorod in August 1943. The plane crashed into a mountain and exploded - the wreckage was found within a radius of hundreds of meters. Documents and a notebook were found among the wreckage, but due to severe fire damage, the name of the deceased could not be made out. Both the task and the military unit remained unknown, the only thing that could be sorted out on the spot was the rank of senior lieutenant.

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