Participants of the international plein air of BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov create sculptures of the great Russians Vatutin, Lomonosov and Tereshkova

At BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is VII International plein air of sculptors and artists was held. The ideological inspirer and leader of the plein air is Dr. Osama El-Serui, a famous artist and sculptor from Egypt, professor at Cairo University, cultural adviser at the ARE Embassy in Russia, winner of an award for his contribution to the development of the Russian language and culture.

For the first time such a plein air was held in 2015 on behalf of the rector of BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov Sergei Glagolev, who is very interested that university students, especially future architects, get acquainted with artists, scientists and cultural figures of the world level. Every year the plein air gathers talented artists from Arab countries: Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Morocco. In 2022, these are Subh Iman, Samar Magdi, Desouki Hatim, Bayumi Mahmoud, Abdallah Ahmed, Abdellatif Baher, Osama El Servi, Hassan Samar and Issa Dib. Most of the participants work on sculpture in marble, but this time they decided to try clay and gypsum. The theme of the seventh plein air is dedicated to the great figures of culture and science of Russia and the world. Dr. Osama El Serui was inspired by the figure of the Soviet military leader, Army General, Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Vatutin.

Other plein air participants are working on sculptures by the Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, the world's first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, the legendary architect and designer of Arab origin Zaha Hadid, and the famous Egyptian engineer Hassan Fathi, the creator of energy-efficient and economical architectural forms. For five days, the craftsmen worked on the figures, two days on the form, two more on pouring the sculptures with polyester resin, and the final two days on the final processing. Tomorrow the sculptures will be completely ready and will take their places of honor at the exhibition.

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