BSTU named V. G. Shukhov became a member of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities

The Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan hosted the 10th general meeting of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities and the plenary session of the VIII International Network Scientific and Technical Conference "Integration Processes in the Scientific, Technical and Educational Space". Delegations from 10 universities of Kyrgyzstan and 18 universities of Russia took part in the events, including BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov.
The Flagship University of the Belgorod Region was represented by Evgeny Kapustin, Director of the Center for International Education and Cooperation. In the 2021-2022 academic year, 266 students of joint educational programs of the consortium studied in 22 areas of study at the universities of Kyrgyzstan. In Russian universities, 17 students studied undergraduate studies, 37 students mastered the master's program and 5 people - postgraduate studies. In 2022, 15 students of joint programs completed their studies. In total, over the ten-year activity of the consortium, 201 graduates received diplomas from two universities in 9 areas of training.
The consortium was created with the support of the Ministries of Education and Science of the two countries and is a voluntary association of Russian and Kyrgyz universities that share common goals of supporting and developing joint network educational programs. The universities of the consortium participate in the exchange of teachers, organize advanced training courses, conduct guest lectures in full-time and remote formats. In total, the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities includes 40 Russian universities from 28 cities and 15 Kyrgyz universities from 7 cities.
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