The delegation of BSTU named after Shukhov visited Jordan on a working trip

Representatives of BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov and  the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, paid a working visit to Jordan. The trip resulted in several important decisions and agreements. The delegation met with the rector of Jordanian University. A draft agreement has been prepared, which is planned to be signed in December 2022, during the visit of the head of the Jordanian University to Russia. We also agreed on the visit of the director of the architectural institute, undergraduates and graduate students of BSTU in May 2023 to Petra.
At the Ministry of Education of Jordan, Professor Ya. S. Allaham presented the work of BSTU, it was decided to extend the recognition of the flagship university of the Belgorod region in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The delegation also met with the Secretary General of the Union of Arab Universities, Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama. The system of Arabic ranking, academic exchanges and development of partnership between Russia and Jordan was discussed at a round table with the participation of heads of universities in both countries. Having visited the Union of Engineers of Jordan, the participants of the working visit agreed to take advanced training courses for civil engineers of Jordan in May-June 2023 at  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. Another meeting was held in the club of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities "Avicenna". Here you will find information about BSTU, which everyone who wants to study in Russia will be able to find out.
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