Excursion for the visitors from Syria

After the official meeting with S.N.Glagolev, BSTU Chansellor, the Syrian representatives inspected laboratory facilities at the mechanical equipment department. Professor V.S. Bogdanov, doctor of technological sciences, Director of the Faculty of technological equipment and units presented the activity of one of the best Russian departments in this area, demonstrated the unique material base and technical facilities, advanced software, used for the design of ships, airplanes etc.


Having visited the university museum the members of the delegation had a chance to convince themselves that the university pays much attention to patriotic issues, encouraging respect to the past. The Director of the University museum  lead an exciting excursion.

The visitors were deeply satisfied with BSTU medical facilities where the students and lecturers can have all kinds of medical aid.

In the French and German Centre the guests met Syrian students, studying at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

The section of nanosystems in construction materials science was of the most interest. Prof. V.V. Strokova, doctor of technical sciences, told about the specialist training process. The staff demonstrated  3D-model of the university campus.


The visitors were greatly impressed by the laboratory of railway transport. In addition the representatives of Syria expressed their interest visiting the stadium, sport facilities, the Students Art Centre and the motodrome.

The members of the delegation could familiarize themselves with the activity of  «Service of transportation vehicles and technological machines» and «Highways and aerodromes» and their laboratories.

Distance learning technologies are becoming a popular form of work with international students, therefore the visit to the faculty of Distance Learning Technologies was of interest to the guests.

Public relations Department


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